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4 Advantages of an HVAC Maintenance Contract

While caring for your HVAC equipment is an essential chore, it can easily get lost in your home maintenance to-do list. An HVAC maintenance contract with a reputable HVAC company is perfect for those who want peace of mind. Their furnace and air conditioner will be in tip-top shape all year round.

HVAC Maintenance

Cafco Services, one of the leading HVAC companies in Ohio, talks about the four advantages of signing up for an HVAC management program.

1. You Can Catch Problems at Their Earliest Stages.

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Detecting a problem at its earliest stage is the most effective way to avoid expensive repairs in the future. During a routine inspection, a technician checks for loose electrical connections, recharges low refrigerant levels, lubricates moving components, clears clogged condensate drains, and more.

2. You Can Improve Your Home’s Energy Efficiency.

Annual or bi-annual tune-ups and safety checks will help your furnace and air conditioner run more smoothly year round. For instance, a technician will clean furnace burners and heat exchangers to ensure proper combustion, therefore keeping your furnace efficient. Your technician will also change the HVAC filter products and clean the evaporator coils so your air conditioner unit can effectively draw heat out of your indoor air.

3. You Get Discounts on Repairs.

In most cases, the costs of replacement parts and regular repairs are discounted with a maintenance agreement. These discounts will come in handy when a major repair is required to get your furnace or air conditioner back on track.

4. You Get Priority Service.

Customers of maintenance agreements can enjoy priority service from their provider. This includes scheduled visits and 24-hour emergency service. This is a particularly attractive advantage for homeowners who have busy schedules.

Cafco Services offers top-notch HVAC and refrigeration equipment services, including comprehensive preventive maintenance programs. Get in touch with our professional team by calling (513) 242-3400 or filling out our convenient contact form.