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How to Choose the Best Bottle Coolers for Your Business

With plenty of commercial bottle coolers on the market, you’ll need good specifications to narrow your choices. Cafco Services, one of the best HVAC companies in the area, shares the top things to look for in a bottle cooler.

How to Choose the Best Bottle Coolers for Your Business

Design and Format

It’s easier to find the best bottle cooler for your needs if you know the format, size, and function that you need. A single-door unit might not be enough for a restaurant when serving cool beverages during peak periods, and a triple-door one won’t work well if beverages aren’t the products you primarily sell.

Door Opening

Bottle coolers can slide or swing open. A sliding door cooler will consume less space than a swinging one, letting you position it virtually anywhere in your restaurant. On the other hand, customers of self-service convenience stores and other establishments might prefer a display cooler with a swinging door because of its accessibility. That said, ask a trusted local refrigeration equipment and HVAC filter products expert to assess the best door style for your business.

Dimension and Capacity

To ensure your bottle coolers can store all your drinks, measure the beverages you have and use them as a guide to finding one with the right dimension and capacity for your needs. Most manufacturers provide measurements based on common bottle sizes. Don’t forget to consider the bottle cooler’s external dimensions, which will help you fit them in hotel rooms, existing bars, or shop fittings.

Temperature Range

Your drinks need a consistent temperature range to keep them cool without altering their taste or texture. The recommended temperature range depends on the type of beverage you’re offering.

Of course, you’ll want your new bottle coolers installed properly and functioning as intended. With Cafco Services, you can expect quality refrigeration equipment services. Call us today at (513) 242-3400 or fill out this contact form to get a free quote.